By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
Present a musical performance. CLO#14
Define the musical composition’s basic information in the presented performance. CLO#6, CLO#14
Correctly identify and explain 3 -5 music elements found in the selected performance. CLO #2 CLO#3, CLO#5
Connect musical elements present in the performance with the personal emotional response elicited. CLO#8, CLO#13
Explain the influence of a work from a personal perspective. CLO#5, CLO#13
Research and present reviews of the selected composition and/or composer to provide support or counterpoint to their personal interpretation. CLO #6, CLO#7
Present research with appropriate citations in MLA format. CLO#12
Describe their own opinion on a work and musical analysis presented by other students. CLO#15
Propose other musical elements, research, or musical selections that could be examined in response to analysis by other students. CLO# 3, CLO#15
Unit 4 Instructor Lecture
Music Analysis #1 Assignments.
This assignment has two parts: (1) Making a blog post and (2) commenting on at least 2 students’ blog posts.
Assignment Checklist - Musical Analysis #1
Assignment Checklist – Musical Analysis #1
Review Instructor Lecture
Read the Assignment Instructions – Musical Analysis Blog Post #1.
Review the examples of a Musical Analysis blog.
Select a song for your analysis. LO#1
Research your selected song. LO#6
Read Blog Post Requirements.
Create a Musical Analysis#1 blog post. Musical Analysis #1 must examine a minimum of 3 musical elements. LO#1-7
Please review the following example of a good post with annotations of why it is good before completing your assignments.
Image of an annotated blog post example. Click on the image to take you to the link.
If you would like to view/read the sample blog post without annotations, click here.
Instructions - Musical Analysis #1 Blog Post
Instructions – Musical Analysis #1 Blog Post
1 Select a Piece of Music In this assignment, you will be presenting a specific work of music that you enjoy. It can be any genre of music. Yes, ANY genre. You want to discuss the music from your favorite video game — not a problem. The only stipulation is accessibility. Your classmates and your instructor need to be able to access the work you selected with ease, for free on your blog.
2 Write a Blog Post or do a Video Analysis Linked to Your Blog In this first assignment, you need to present an analysis of the musical elements in the work you selected and explain how those elements stimulate your emotions. What do other folks say about the piece of music you selected? Do research to find what others think. Was it a financial success? Did it get favorable or unfavorable reviews? Did it spark controversy? If you can’t find anything specific to the work you selected, you may include background on the composer/songwriter(s).
3 Submit the link to your blog post Log into your Blackboard course and submit the link to your blog post for this unit in the Assignments area, Unit 4 – Music Analysis #1 Blog Post Submission.
Follow the directions below under ‘Blog Post Requirements’
Analysis 1 – a downloadable copy of the above information. This will take you to a new page, click on Analysis 1 on the new page.
Grading Criteria - Musical Analysis #1 Blog Post
In this first analysis assignment, you will be graded on the following:
Correctly identify and explain 3 musical elements in connection with your enjoyment – 15 points per element
Basic Information — Title (in italics if necessary), date, composer, country of origin — 5 points
Citing what others say — 20 points
Presentation — 10 points
Blog Post Requirements - Musical Analysis #1
Blog Post Requirements – Musical Analysis #1
A clear title presents the blog, which includes “musical analysis”
A link to the song or work being analyzed.
Title of the song or work (usually in italics), composers, the date it was written or released, and country of origin clearly supplied in the text of the blog post.
Your personal reaction to the work and the emotions elicited by the music.
A clearly formatted analysis of 3 musical elements and how those elements contribute to your personal reaction.
Support or counterpoint to your opinions is provided from 2 reputable sources.
Sources are cited below the article in MLA style. All internet sources must include a working hyperlink to the source material.
The blog has visual interest. An image or an embedded video is included. Formatting is clear – use headers and paragraphs.
The blog post URL is submitted through Canvas, Unit 4 – Music Analysis #1 Blog Post Submission, with a working hyperlink.
– Click on this link for a downloadable copy. It will take you to a new page, and then you need to click on the General Blog Requirements Checklist again.
Part of the liberal arts paradigm is considering what others say. As part of your analysis, you need to utilize either the internet or the library (periodicals like the Rolling Stones, All Music, etc.) to see what others say about the music you selected. You need to reference what others say in your blog post. If you come up empty-handed, your next alternative is a short biographical or historical background on the composer(s) or the style of music.
You are expected to have two cited sources for your analysis.
Additionally, if you utilize any web sources to help you figure out the musical elements — cite that as well.
Who wrote the music? It isn’t uncommon to find that the performer isn’t the composer. Make sure you check.
Good writing counts. Penalties for poor editing will be applied. Same thing for video. Don’t ramble. Have a script or an outline to follow. Link to Useful Writing Tools
Avoid common mistakes
Your blog posts must include your opinion – not just a general statement – and it must be specifically applied to the works you are presenting.
Also, the title, date, place, composer, and artist name are important scholarly details that need to be written into your blog for every piece of music you include. That might mean you have to do some research to find this information.
Instructions - Music Analysis #1 - Comments
Instructions – Music Analysis #1 – Comments
You can learn a great deal by reading what your fellow students wrote. You might hear the music you’ve never experienced before. You might hear something you already know in a different light. As part of the EXPLORATION component in this course, you are required to comment on 2 of your fellow student’s blog posts. Your comments need to include the following:
Agreement or disagreement. Did you like the same things that they liked? Why or why not. Be polite. If we all liked the same things, music would never evolve.
Add to the discussion. Did you notice something was missing from the assignment? Did you notice another musical element that wasn’t considered? Could you direct them to another work or style? Maybe there is an article that would be helpful?
Submit your comments on Canvas for grading using the Assignment submission link ‘Unit 4 – Music Analysis #1 Comments’
Proper submission formatting.
Use the Assignment Submission section of Canvas to submit your comments.
Do not use the Add Comments area of Canvas.
Submit the URL of each blog you commented on and hyperlink it in Canvas.
Cut and paste your comment below the hyperlinked URL.
Please click on the image above to review an example of a good comment with annotations.
Grading Criteria for Comments
All comments must be submitted properly. If not, then you will receive a zero, with a request to resubmit properly – 1 point.
Opinion stated – 4 points for each comment.
Explanation of opinion – 4 points for each comment.
Adding to the discussion/exploration/learning – 4 points for each comment.
Music Analysis #2 Assignments
This assignment has two parts: (1) Making a blog post and (2) commenting on at least 2 students’ blog posts.
For this assignment, we will continue with deeper practice in musical analysis. The main difference between the previous assignment and this one is that you will be examining more elements – 5 instead of 3 – so you should take more time to go a bit further in depth with your research, writing and comments as well. Use the feedback you got from your instructor and other students in the first analysis assignment to help this second round improve.
Assignment Checklist - Musical Analysis #2
Assignment Checklist – Musical Analysis #2
Read the Assignment Instructions – Musical Analysis Blog Post #2.
Review the example blog. Review Instructor Lecture if necessary.
Select a song for your analysis. LO#1
Research your selected song. LO#6
Read Blog Post Requirements.
Create a Musical Analysis#2 blog post. Musical Analysis #2 must examine a minimum of 5 musical elements. LO#1-7
1 Select a Piece of Music Like your previous assignment, you will be presenting a specific work of music that you enjoy. It can be any genre of music. Yes, ANY genre. You want to discuss the music from your favorite video game — not a problem. The only stipulation is accessibility. Your classmates and your instructor need to be able to access the work you selected with ease, for free on yourblog.
2 Write aBlogPost or do a Video Analysis Linked to YourBlog – With More Depth For this second assignment, you will be examining more elements, at least 5 musical elements. You need to present an analysis of the musical elements in the work you selected and explain how those elements illicit your personal emotional response.
3 Submit the link to your blog post Log into your Canvas course and submit the link to your blog post for this unit in the Assignments area, Unit 4 Music Analysis #2 Blog Post Submission.
Follow directions on this page under ‘Blog Post Requirements’
Analysis 2 A downloadable copy. This will open in a new page – click on Analysis 2 again.
Grading Criteria - Musical Analysis #2 Blog Post
In this analysis assignment, you will be graded on the following:
Correctly identify and explain 5 musical elements in connection with your enjoyment – 15 points per element
Basic Information — Title (in italics if necessary), date, composer, country of origin — 5 points
Citing what others say — 20 points
Presentation — 10 points
Analysis 2 A downloadable copy. This will open in a new page – click on Analysis 2 again.
Blog Post Requirements Musical Analysis #2
Blog Post Requirements – Musical Analysis #2
A clear title presents the blog, which includes “musical analysis”
A link to the song or work being analyzed.
Title of the song or work (usually in italics), composers, the date it was written or released, and country of origin clearly supplied in the text of the blog post.
Your personal reaction to the work and the emotions elicited by the music.
A clearly formatted analysis of 5 musical elements and how those elements contribute to your personal reaction.
Support or counterpoint to your opinions is provided from 2 reputable sources.
Sources are cited below the article in MLA style. All internet sources must include a working hyperlink to the source material.
The blog has visual interest. An image or an embedded video is included
The blog post URL is submitted through Canvas, Unit 4 – Music Analysis #2 Blog Post Submission. You need to submit your blog URL with a working hyperlink for full credit.
– Click on this link for a downloadable copy. It will take you to a new page, and then you need to click on the General Blog Requirements Checklist again.
A Good Post Example – reminder
Please review the following example of a good post with annotations of why it is good before completing your assignments.
Image and link to annotated blog post example
If you would like to view/read the sample blog post without annotations, click here.
Instructions - Music Analysis #2 - Comments
Instructions – Music Analysis #2 – Comments
Again, you can learn a great deal by reading what your fellow students wrote. You might hear music you’ve never experienced before. You might hear something you already know in a different light. As part of the EXPLORATION component in this course, you are required to comment on 2 of your fellow student’s blog posts. Your comments need to include the following:
Agreement or disagreement. Did you like the same things that they liked? Why or why not. Be polite. If we all liked the same things, music would never evolve.
Add to the discussion. Did you notice something was missing from the assignment? Did you notice another musical element that wasn’t considered? Could you direct them to another work or style? Maybe there is an article that would be helpful?
Submit your comments on Canvas for grading using the Assignment submission link ‘Unit 4 – Music Analysis #2 Comments’
Proper submission formatting. You need to submit your comments like the example below:
Use the Text Entry section of Canvas to submit your comments.
Do not use the Comments area of Canvas.
Submit the URL of each blog you commented on and hyperlink it in Canvas.
Cut and paste your comment below the hyperlinked URL.
Please click on the image below to review an example of a good comment with annotations.
Grading Criteria for Comments
All comments must be submitted properly. If not, then you will receive a zero, with a request to resubmit properly – 1 point.
Opinion stated – 4 points for each comment.
Explanation of option – 4 points for each comment.
Adding to the discussion/exploration/learning – 4 points for each comment.
Preparation for the Next Unit
In our next unit, you will be exploring how music has changed, either through brand new invention or gradual evolution. You will continue to utilize your music analysis skills and combined with research into musical innovations or evolutions. Additionally, you will be comparing two musical works and sharing your musical preferences.