By the end of this course students will be able to:
- Create a personal blog in the public domain that accepts comments without moderation requirements.
- Recognize and define fundamental elements of music such as beat, pitch, melody, lyrics, dynamics, chords, harmonic texture, etc.
- Identify specific fundamental musical elements in songs, and compositions.
- Analyze works of western and non-western musicians and describe their place in social context.
- Use vocabulary appropriate for expressing an educated opinion when writing about works of music.
- Discover online and/or print sources of music and music-related topics for use in discussion.
- Research online sources of multimedia for use in critical analysis defense of written topics.
- Write critically about a musical work on blog posts.
- Define the connections between a work of music and innovations or evolutions in either the music, or the instruments/voices that contributed to the musical composition.
- Craft a theory which explains the implied social message of a musical work.
- Craft a theory which defines the role of music in society.
- Defend positions taken as part of critical analysis of music works, evidenced through discussion.
- Describe emotional connections associated with elements of music.
- Combine multimedia with writing or video presentations to state a position on a public blog.
- Critique peers and provide appropriate feedback according to critiquing standards outlined in the syllabus.
- Utilize scholarly citation on blog posts.