10 – Final Project

Final Project

Learning Objectives

By the end of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Propose a theory which explains the social/moral commentary of a specific genre of music, or the role of music to society. CLO#11
  2. Analyze print and/or online media related to your theory. CLO#7
  3. Present 2 musical performances that illustrate the proposed theory. CLO#14
  4. Define basic information for the two musical compositions in the selected performances. CLO#14
  5. Summarize the background/history of the selected composition. CLO#6, CLO#7
  6. Explain how the chosen musical selections support the proposed theory. CLO#12, CLO#8
  7. Express an aesthetic reaction to each musical performance. CLO#8, CLO#5
  8. Cite at least three musical elements which contribute to the aesthetic response. CLO#3
  9. Present research with appropriate citations in MLA format. CLO#16
  10. Express an opinion on the theory presented by other students. CLO#15
  11. Explain your agreement or difference with the theory presented. CLO#12
  12. Describe a personal aesthetic reaction to the works presented. CLO#15
  13. Propose other musical elements, research, or musical selections that could be examined in response to analysis by other students. CLO#13, CLO#15

Unit 10 Instructor Lecture

Checklist of Learning Activities for this Unit

  1. Watch Instructor Lecture – Final Project
  2. Read Instructions – Final Project Blog
  3. Based on research, construct a theory that explains how music makes a commentary on society or serves a societal role. LO#1 #2
  4. Select 2 musical performances which illustrate your theory. LO#3
  5. Create a Final Project blog post. LO #1-#9
  6. Submit the URL of your blog post on Canvas.
  7. Read Instruction – Final Project Comments.

Instructions - Final Project - Blog Post

Final Assignment -120 points

Music and Society

In the Music and the Fictive Dream blog post, you were required to look at social commentary. You will be taking a closer look at this in your final project.

Create a final blog post that presents a thesis on how music makes a commentary on society or serves a societal role. This blog post will provide a comprehensive analysis based on at least two works of music that illustrate your thesis.

These elements need to be included:

Analysis includes:

  1. Musical analysis of at least 3 elements in each work.
  2. Your aesthetic judgment of the works.
  3. Context — when, where, why these works exist. You will need to elaborate beyond date and place.

Presentation of thesis includes:

  1. Clearly present your thesis. Don’t leave your reader guessing.
  2. Directly tie elements of the music to your thesis. Connect the dots.
  3. Utilize research to back up your thesis.
  4. Additionally,  your blog must include:
  5. A link or video for each work.
  6. Each work must be identified by title, artist/composer/playwright/screenwriter, date, and place.
  7. Cited sources in MLA style at the end.
  8. Your personal journey –  worth 10  bonus points
    Suggested length- 1 paragraphs
    How has your relationship to music changed as a result of this course?

Possible thesis examples: Music connects people emotionally, music inspires national identity and pride, music inspires political change, musical catharsis, music promotes order, music brings us together, music defines history, etc..

Grading Critera - Final Project


In this analysis assignment, you will be graded on the following:

  • Basic Information — Title (in italics if necessary), date, composer, country of origin — 10 points
  • Biography, role of the work, social commentary and opinion— 70 points
  • Citing your research, and utilizing quality sources — 20 points
  • Presentation — 20 points
  • Personal journey paragraph describing how your relationship to music has changed as a result of this course? – 10 bonus points

Blog Post Requirements - Final Project

  1. A clear title presents the blog, which includes your chosen topic in the title.
  2. A link to the songs or works being analyzed. A minimum of 2 are required if you are selecting your own topic.
  3. Titles of the songs or works (usually in italics), composers (if unknown – state this), the date (again – it might be unknown, but that should be stated) it was written or released, and country of origin clearly supplied in the text of the blog post.
  4. Presentation of a thesis – Chose from these two broad categories: 1)How does music serve society? Or put another way, why do we need music?   2)How does music make commentary on society?
  5. A summary presentation of the research conducted on your chosen thesis. A minimum of two reputable sources required.
  6. A clearly formatted analysis of at least two musical elements found in EACH of the musical selections chosen
  7. A statement of your  personal  aesthetic reaction related to the analysis of the performer’s talents and the musical elements presented
  8. Carefully edit your blog post.
  9. Sources are cited below the article in  MLA style. All internet sources must include a working hyperlink to the source material.
  10. The blog has visual interest. An image or an embedded video is included
  11. The blog post URL is submitted through Canvas,  Assignment Submit link ‘Unit 10 – Final Project’, with a working hyperlink. If your hyperlink doesn’t work properly, you will be given a zero and will need to resubmit with a working hyperlink. Late penalties will apply.