Innovations and Evolutions


Tangerine Dream and synthesizers, circa 1970's
Tangerine Dream and synthesizers, circa 1970’s

Music is constantly evolving. Why wouldn’t it? If it didn’t, we’d still be using all acoustic instruments made from natural materials, with no system of keys. Styles evolve too.  We’d never have gotten to Elvis, much less Loud Wire Music Awards without innovations in style.  Here are just a few topics with links for you to initiate your exploration. Feel free to take on your own topics. There is a growing list at the bottom of this page of topics that don’t require approval.


The Piano

The Saxophone

Steel Drums

The Electric Guitar

Records, Tapes, and CDs

Electronic Music

Musical Notation

Other topics you could explore:

The microphone,

The Modern Day Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, French Horn, Timpani,

How the grip on drumsticks as recently evolved,

The Blues,

The Ukulele, Today’s Bagpipe, The Evolution of the Organ,

The Origins of Rap Music

From Napster to Pandora and Spotify

Country Rap

The Evolution of Acapella Singing………many more topics